Danylenko A.

“Classic and innovative approaches in diastolic function evaluation”


Даниленко Александр Александрович
Danylenko Alexandr Alexandrovich

AIM: To demonstrate the modern algorithm of evaluating diastolic dysfunction, to show nuances of diastolic function evaluation in different clinical cases, such as hypertrophic and restrictive cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, heart conduction disorders, heart transplant; to show the role of stress echocardiography and its new indicators (echocardiographic strain)

TARGET AUDIENCE: sonologists, cardiologists, general practitioners.

AIM: To demonstrate the modern algorithm of evaluating diastolic dysfunction, to show nuances of diastolic function evaluation in different clinical cases, such as hypertrophic and restrictive cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, heart conduction disorders, heart transplant; to show the role of stress echocardiography and its new indicators (echocardiographic strain)

TARGET AUDIENCE: sonologists, cardiologists, general practitioners.

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Danylenko Alexandr Alexandrovich– cardiologist, a research fellow of M.D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology, MAS of Ukraine

• Certified specialist in transthoracic echocardiography (EACVI)
• Trained at Royal Brompton Hospital with the studying grant of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) with the in-depth studying of new echocardiography techniques
• Refresher courses: strain echocardiography course (ESC – Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012); 3D echocardiography course (University of Padua, Italy, 2012)
• A co-author of 34 scientific publications with the experience of doing echocardiography master classes during the annual exhibition of new medical equipment in Kiev.

Алексей Никитин
Молодой конечно лектор, но тему освоил. Не жалею
Сергій Артеменко
доступно викладено, матеріал сучасний, лектор детально відповів на всі запитання. сподобалось
Юрий Коречников
Лекцией доволен. Перспективно и уже можно использовать в клинической практике
Александр Бабенко
Приятные впечатления, полезная тема. Спасибо

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